Within the Walls: Heritage Values and the Historic City

A Collaborative PhD project in the Historic City of York, UK

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Timeline York Plus Visit Kings Manor

Yes, it has been a whopping 4 months since I last wrote here. Truth be told, the early stages of the PhD have thrown up a couple of issues for me, and I have a developing blog-post on ethics which I’m not quite ready to publish (apologies to Larry).

But in the meantime, something quite delightful happened over the weekend. The Within the Walls team welcomed the Timeline York Plus groups to Kings Manor for their biannual meet-up. Timeline York Plus is a ‘group of groups’—or a network—which brings together York’s Local History and Archaeology communities. They meet up twice a year to exchange activity reports and have a good catch-up essentially. Details of the sort of projects undertaken and the groups that participate can be found here at their WIKI page.

We were also happy to welcome Sarah Tester, a colleague of Vicky’s, from The Gateway to History project (HLF funded project). She gave a presentation on the archival projects she has been working on so far (in fact some of them involved the groups present on the day—i.e. Poppleton Local History Society).

Interestingly, because of Tony’s (North Duffield) query into how groups in York can better interact with each other, we had an impromptu discussion about how social media can be used to this aim—which of course overlaps with some of my own project interests. The discussions are likely to continue on this topic but I did end up summarising the advantages of blogging with the group. (I hope this blog post might help)

The TYPLUS meeting at Kings Manor

The TYPLUS meeting at Kings Manor

Lastly, Ed Freedman, assisted by Alison Sinclair who kindly stepped up at the last minute, gave a brilliant tour of the Kings Manor in terms of its architecture and history. Ed and Alison made a fantastic double act and everyone was interested to hear how the building has evolved over the years, which is visible in the material remains and the brickwork. Special thanks go to Dr Kate Giles for lending us your notes and research sources.

On the tour of Kings Manor

On the tour of Kings Manor

My next blog will not be as long in the making, as we have a lot happening in the months up to November (see last blog post).


By Katrina Foxton–tweets as @kfoxton9